I am Fr Jomon Poothara Joseph and I come from India. Originally, I belong to the Diocese of Cochin in India. I had all my seminary formation in India. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Philosophy, Theology and a Master’s degree in English. I was ordained as a priest on 27th January 2008. I served in five different parishes in my diocese in India.
I come from a family of 4 children. I have two sisters and one brother. My father passed away six years ago, and my mother is alive.
I came to Australia in 2017. In the last six years, I have been working in three different parishes of the Diocese of Rockhampton. I was a priest in North Rockhampton, Bundaberg and the Peak Downs area. I was transferred to the Parish in Rockhampton in the beginning of this year.
I am happy to be here to do ministry for the people of God. I always say to God, "Here I am Lord. Send me wherever you need me."
Thank you everyone and I beg your prayerful support . Together let us make a difference in the world.